A Programmable logic controller (PLC)is adigital computer used many machines anddifferent industries such as: Control ofmachinery on factory assembly lines,industrial electromechanical processes, ordata transfer to move data from one pointto another,it can alsoinclude theprocedure required to move data either toor from an analog l/O module.

An inverter is a device which changes adirect current input voltage to a
symmetrical output voltage (sinusoidal,square or triangular) of alternatingcurrent, with a specified magnitude andfrequency.

HMI and PLC connection lines, Motor and Inverter connection lines, and power lines.

Drive & Servomotors
Drivers is a computer program which controls aparticular device connected to a computer.
Motor is a machine that supplies motivepower for a vehicle or por another devicewith moving parts. A servomotor is arotary item that allows for precise controlofangularposition,speedandacceleration. Servomotors are used indifferent applications such as: Roboticsor automated machinery.

HMIs & Display
Hazardous Materials ldentification System is anumerical hazard thatincorporates the use of labels withdifferent colors which are used to conveybroader health warning information. Adisplay is an electronic device for thevisual presentation of data or images.